Tuesday 11 September 2007


a few random quotes from da show :)
$Ea$On 1
  • Gil Grissom: Thing is, I tend not to believe people. People lie. The evidence doesn't lie.
  • Warrick Brown: Only clue he's got is a missing boat which sucks, 'cause ... it's missing.
  • Catherine Willows: You right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo watching discovery on the big screen working genius-level crossword puzzles, but no relationships. No chance any will slop over into a case. Right. I want to be just like you.

Gil Grissom: Technically, it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius.But you're right. I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.

Catherine Willows: Grissom ... what personal stuff?

  • Rave Girl: I love you.

Gil Grisosm: Uh, thank you. You're a total stranger to me.

Warrick Brown: It's ecstasy. It makes everyone fall in love. Don't take it personally, miss. He's kind of married to his job.

  • Gil Grissom: Well, if you're gonna break the law, Jim you've gotta know the law.
  • Gil Grissom: There's three things I got a real problem with: Guys that hit their wives, sexual assault on children and the scum that deal death to kids.
  • Gil Grissom: Nobody stopped to ask Candlewell if he was all right. They just assumed, because he was kicking the back of Nate's seat, that he was a jerk -- because he was pushing his call button that he was bothering the Flight Attendant -- because he was trying to get into the lavatory he was making a scene -- because he was going back and forth up and down the aisles, he was posing a threat.

Catherine Willows: He was a threat.

Gil Grissom: No. He turned into a threat. It didn't have to be that way. People make assumptions. That's the problem. You just did. And I think these passengers made the wrong assumption and now this guy's dead.

Warrick Brown: Well, if that's your stance how could it have been prevented?

Gil Grissom: If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened. It took five people to kill him. It would have only taken one person to save his life.

  • Sara Sidle: I am a woman, and I have a gun. And look how he treated me. I can only imagine how he treated his wife.
  • Gil Grissom: It could be a piece of wrist bone.

Catherine Willows: Well, do you want to suck it ... to be sure?

  • Sara Sidle: I wish I was like you, Grissom. I wish I didn't feel anything.
  • Catherine Willows: What?

Sara Sidle: Nothing. This is fun.

Catherine Willows: As compared to what?

Sara Sidle: As compared to a more scientific approach.

  • Gil Grissom: Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to do nothing.

$Ea$On 2

  • Gil Grissom: People don't vanish, Jim. It's a molecular impossibility.
  • Gil Grissom: I can't be everywhere, Warrick and they banned human cloning
  • Gil Grissom: Truth brings closure.Catherine Willows: Not always.
  • Greg Sanders: Hey, yo, Cat ...

Catherine Willows: I'm going to forget that you called me that.

  • Greg Sanders: Hey, Catherine? Do you think Sara would ever go out with me?

Catherine Willows: Sure. As long as you don't tell her it's a date.

  • Nick Stokes: Sometimes, I hate this job.

$Ea$On 3

  • Catherine Willows: Don't touch me. I'm evidence.
  • Greg Sanders: All work and no play make Greg a dull boy ...

Gil Grissom: All play and no work make Greg an unemployed boy.

  • Nick Stokes: There's a sucker born every minute.

Gil Grissom: Yup, and they all come to Vegas.

$Ea$On 4

  • Gil Grissom: Dead men don't ride roller coasters

$Ea$On 5

  • Jim Brass: Hey, Gil. Wait. You've got something stuck to your shoe. Oh, no, it's just Sanders.
  • Catherine Willows: So I know that I've never said this to you guys before, but ... hide the evidence.
  • Gil Grissom: My God, he's being eaten alive.


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