Thursday 18 October 2007

Ten more media key words 4rm dictionary
1. Chick flick-- I may use this term to respond to films such as legally blonde, they show Reese Witherspoon and a lawyer even though she is not too clever she is a typical blonde woman who has a small dog and loves pink. Yet she does so much with her self and achieves things that help many people.

2. Cognition-- is where the audience perceives what they see in the media and believe it. Many people at fault for this cognition involve George bush, Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson. Relating this to my I.S I can show that the media builds up expectations of women for the male gaze and CSI subverts it a lot.

3. Cognitive dissonance-- this is when an individual strongly opposes the cognition shown within the media. This can consist of feminist women.

4. Auteur-- are directors who have recognisable traits within their work, antony E. Zuiker is an auteur as he has directed all CSI series.

5. Crime fiction-- CSI comes within the crime fiction genre. All the stories are creatively written.

6. Cultivation theory-- theory constructed by George gerbner which states that the media can change the audiences’ views even in the real world. He states the media has long term affects which slowly take place.

7. Gender-- according to gender we can state that Sara sidle in CSI has slight masculine features about her, e.g. the way he dresses her appearance compared to Catherine willows which has much more feminine qualities about her.

8. Effects theory-- this theory researches how passive an audience can be, so if CSI showed all their convicts as black men, we would see the reaction within the audience and how they would react to black men in real life. This is the same with the representation of women. After seeing Catherine willows the male audience may generalise and misjudge all blonde females.

9. Marxist feminism-- where feminist women believe that capitalism is the fault for the inequality and insecurity of males within society. This can slightly relate to Catherine because she became an exotic dancer for money.

10. New man-- term to describe the change within men since feminism revolution began. more men are happy to share household work etc.

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