Thursday 18 October 2007

self evaluations

Attainment -- 1—I have developed my understanding of media a lot this year.

Effort -- 1 my blog work is always consistent and I hope to keep it that way J… also I do participate in class discussions a lot more than what I used to.

Punctuality -- 1 I’m always on time

Submission and quality of homework -- 1 so far so good

Ability to work independently -- 2 could be better, I depend on people input a bit, but I can do my own independent work as well.

Quality of writing -- 3 could be better I think personally I can use media terminology but I think I should be using much more.

Organization of Media folder -- 1 all in order

Oral contributions in class -- 1 I constantly participate in class discussions and I am not afraid to say what I think.

Standard of Module 5 blog-- 1 its sik lol its getting along very well, just having problems at home I can’t post up anything on the blog from my home computer there’ some sort of problem with the Google toolbar, so I have to come into school and then post things up .

Standard of Module 6 blog-- 2 good, we don’t have much to put up there yet, just media guardian stories so far so it should get better.
blog work has been really good
class discussions and input
good understanding and focus in lessons

more blog work, analyzing clips for med 5
read newspapers and articles everyday for med 6
try and use more media terminology

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