Sunday 4 November 2007

Blog Buddies

My blog buddies are…Kirandeep Jheita who’s doing representation of women in desperate housewives and from the other class Dilraj Bhamra who’s doing representation of women in x men 3.
My topic is quite specific so it was hard trying to find someone doing representation of women in the crime genre, but both desperate housewives and x men 3 have a sense of enigmatic crime to them………:s btw I have no idea if I’m making sense or not LOL.
Ok so Kiran’s Independent study is about the representation of women in Desperate Housewives. Kiran’s gonna focus on the representation and try and state that it is negative. Each character is shown differently ‘desperate’, desperate for something like money, love, a man, a family, a career, whereas a true representation would show problems in life, not perfectly airbrushed like Gabrielle or as successful as Bree.
Raj’s Independent study focuses on the representation of women in x men 3, even though I haven’t watched x men 3 (or any of the first one’s either lol)...Erm his question focuses on if women are still seen to be inferior to men. Even though these women seem to be powerful (in a fantasy-fied way lol) they are still incompetent of other things, making them inferior but not directly to male dominance it could be towards other things.
The way storm can control the weather is known as pathetic fallacy in English (I remember Mr. Munro teaching us this with a Shakespeare play I think) its when the weather reflects your mood so like, clouds and heavy rain can represent angry and upset, whereas a bright sunny day can show a happy emotion.
Both these studies can be related to mines in some way and can show how misrepresented women are even today in the media. Even though Females are shown much stronger than they used to, and can stand up for themselves and don’t act like damsel’s in distress waiting for their savior to come rescue them, they do need rescuing from their lives and are not perfect and happy without men.
From these blog’s I’ve learnt that women are misrepresented everywhere, and even though desperate housewives may seem like a breakthrough for women, as they are shown as successful independent women, the title ‘desperate’ is stamped on each character. Raj’s Blog has also shown that women are always shown as a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece, anywhere within the media.

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